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La Vie des Idées
La Vie des Idées
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Books & ideas
Summer’s Days
Summertime, and Reading Is Easy
Keep on the Sunny Side
Summer in the City
A Winter Selection
In the Summertime
Here Comes the Sun
A Winter Selection
Harrison White, the Pioneer of Network Analysis
Water in the War in Ukraine: between mobilization and collapse
Michel Crozier: Constraint and Freedom
Private Means for Public Ends
Jane Mansbridge, Political Science between Facts and Norms
Richard Rorty the Multi-Pragmatist
Serving our great imperial family
Interest groups in election campaigns
Why the Ukraine War Caught Europe by Surprise
Ministerial Cabinets: the Grey Area of Government
Classes without wealth
Operation Pied Piper: Britain’s Forgotten War Children
The Multiplicity of Gender
Northern Irish Society in the Wake of Brexit
The Power of Billionaire Philanthropy in World Politics
The Anthropocene: a Challenge for Agriculture
Françoise d’Eaubonne’s Ecofeminism
The Rising Invisible Majority
Why Central Bankers Should Read Economic History
The Japanese Press: a Global Exception?
Life and Survival in Wuhan
Emotions at Work
Money Is the Gatekeeper of Politics
The Oligarchs’ Charter
Elections for Sale?
The Limits of Transparency
Deciding Together
A New Conflict Era
Against the “Grain of the Voice”
How Fiction Can Help Us Navigate the Pandemic
“Brains” and their “Servants”: the New Class Domination
Building a Society That Values Care
Are Capitalist Democracies Really Resilient?
Are Capitalist Democracies Really Resilient?
How Austerity is Worsening Coronavirus
The Globalisation of Lockdowns
Working in China in the Covid-19 Era
Beyond Backlash
Tracing Apps to Fight Covid-19
Taiwan’s Energy Security Challenges
Brexit and the Two Irelands
Can Covid-19 Crisis Change Italian Politics?
The Covid-19 Crisis in India
Fortunetellers and Teahouse Workers
Covid-19: Chronicle of an Outbreak Foretold
What is a Public Health Problem?
The Origins of the French État-providence
Discrimination Against Japan’s Burakumin Community
Writing the History of “Natural” Disasters
Algorithms and Territorial Regulation
William Thompson, a Pioneer of European Socialism
Media Ownership in the Digital Era
Free from Politics?
The Print Media Reform in Post-Junta Myanmar
The Afro: More Than a Hairstyle
Scarlet Letters
Protest Music in the Age of Trump
Elon Musk: the High-Stakes Gambler of Technological Capitalism
The ‘Animal Cause’ and the Social Sciences
Towards an Ecological Cinema
Ending the Anthropocene
Corporate Responsibility in the Climate Crisis
Logistical Meanderings
The Bitcoin El Dorado
Ireland’s Silences: the Magdalene Laundries
The color of France’s “yellow vests”
The Price of the Planet
Do Philanthropists Actually Love the Planet?
The Unlikely State of Climate Justice
What Non-Demand Demands
The Social Diplomacy of Multinational Corporations
Forcing Vaccine Progress
How Oracles Are Forged
Prisoners on Strike in the United States
: Chinese and Online
The Almost Perfect Baby
Where Does the Left Stand in India?
Mary Douglas, A Taste for Hierarchy
Some Kind of Pope
Narcotic Addiction in America
The New German Far Right
The Islam of Converts
The Bikini Strategy
Cow Terrorism
Rethinking Odious Debt
Ronald Coase: A Century of Economics
Denouncing Denigration
How to Live in a Hostile World
Miguel Abensour: Emancipation through Utopia
Michel Chevalier: Visionary of Modern Europe?
Heaven for Hull?
Personifying the Whanganui River
Françoise Héritier’s Activist Structuralism
Spain’s Digital Civil War
A Crash-Course in Femininity?
The Real Story of Haiti’s Forests
Politicizing Europe, Europeanizing Politics
Umberto Eco
Basic Incomes
Citizen Hacker
The Thorny Memory of the Russian Revolution
Kaesong, Caught between Two Koreas
The Brexit Anomaly
Decolonizing Philosophy
The Great American Plots
The Jew with the Gold Coin
Indian Populism
Economics: An Experimental Science?
Laughter in Islam
The Thwarted Flows of Bengal
Jordan and Syrian Refugees
The Return of Economic History?
The Rise of Transparency
Learning from Randomized Controlled Experiments
The Other Election
The Front National: Still Racist and Xenophobic
Man on the Street, Version 2.0
The Right to Live in the City
The Culture of Qi
Inconspicuous Globalisations
Marketing the Party
White Evangelicals for Trump
Who Benefits from the Crime?
The Trapper: a Hollywood Ghost
A Splendid Isolation
Judging Homosexuality, Granting Asylum
In Defense of Materialism
Academia on the Run?
Elinor Ostrom: Fighting the Tragedy of the Commons
Arthur C. Danto or the Duality of Worlds
Is There an Icelandic Democratic Exception?
On Improbable Success: The Case of Richard Hoggart
Syria: the Strategy of Destruction
History and Comics
Behind the Scenes at the
Social Mix, Control and Gentrification
Censorship and Authority in Ancient Rome
The End of the Traditional Art Gallery? (Part Two)
Where Does the Value of Art Begin? (Part One)
The Origins of the Islamic State
Schooling in the United States
, Africa, and the Myth of “Sexual Behavior”
Europe and its Political Refugees in the 19
BRICs and Emerging Markets
Unfinished Modernity
The devils from the Thousand Hills
This is their body
Total Incarceration
E. P.
Thompson: A Life of Struggle
The Recovered Memory of Stolen Works of Art
Michel de Certeau
The War on Drugs: Anatomy of a Failure
Crime and Money
The Value of Things in the Middle Ages
The Market in Early Modern Europe
Twenty Years After The Social Meaning of Money
“Cinema is more authoritarian than literature”
The Curious Monsieur Veyne
Should Images of Violence be Shown?
The Projection Room
Transformed in 25 years
& Biocapitalisation
The Trouble with “Truth”
Ideologues and Cassandras: the Thinkers behind Putinism
Doomed to Fail?
Putin, Patriotism and Political Apathy
Caught in a Bad Romance: What America Means to Russia
San Francisco: Unequal Metropolis
Pilgrimage to Mecca: An Industry Under Control
Nancy Fraser and the Theory of Participatory Parity
Living in a Laboratory: New Orleans Today
To Be or Not to Be Charlie?
Is Debt the Achilles’ Heel of Europe?
Can Britain be European?
The Recruitment Game
The International Health System and the Ebola Epidemic
The Origins of the Islamic State
Constitutionalism and Democracy
Conceptualizing Capitalism
: A Democratic Problem for Europe?
Cost and Quality
Referendum Uncertainty
American Wars, Barely Visible to Americans
Geopolitics of Translation
Laborious Nature
Catholics and gender
“The Greatest Discovery Ever Communicated to Mankind”
René Dumont: Utopia, Forty Years Later
Power to the Piketties!
Ronald Dworkin: Law as Novel Writing
Mobilizing People in Low-Income Neighbourhoods
Redefining Sustainable Economies
Field Fright: Studying Urban Poverty in Boston
Has the Competitiveness Obsession Killed Europe?
Joan W. Scott’s Critical History of Inequality
German Debates on Inequality and Public Policy
Reading with Dissidents
Confusion on the Commons
The 100-year Welfare State?
The Ministry of Memory
Ferguson and the New Black Condition in the United States
The Growth of Inequality from 2007 to 2014
Thinking Between Shores: Georges Devereux
Pan-ethnicity and Latino Communities in the
From Public Charity to Putting the Poor to Work
Muslim Castes in India
Kenzaburō Ōe: The Barbarism of Reality
To Be A World Citizen: Political Horizon or Abyss?
André Gorz: Thinker of Emancipation
The Meaning of Representation
A Self-Subversive Temperament
Web Activism in São Paulo: New Political Practices
A (Brazilian) Tale of Two Dimes
Is the Environment the Key to Tax Reform?
Brazil’s “Winter of Discontent”
Brazil’s Forgotten Political Reforms
What Can We Learn From Ecological Economics?
What is the Non Take-up of Social Benefits?
The Human Element vs. the Standardization of Medical Care
Life, a Model for Chemists
Are Novels Part of Our
Women’s Employment in Europe
Ukraine’s Many Voices
From Community Police to Bureaucratic Police
Once Upon a Time in America There was Michael Jackson
Martha Nussbaum or the Democracy of Capabilities
The Bigger Picture
Is There a Difference Between Passive and Active Euthanasia?
Hungary’s One-way Ticket to the
What the Mountain Knows
The Fragile Climate of Modernity
When French Banks Encounter their Clients
Towards a critical approach to social mix
Does France Still Have a Class Society?
The Skirt Revolution
How to Judge the Rwandan Genocide?
The Last Mile
Financial Crises and Banking Regulation : A History
The Constraints of the Right to Know
Randomized Evaluation: A Success Owing Nothing to Chance
The Anti-Establishment Impact of Postcolonial Studies
The Other “People”
Politics and Religion in Ancient Rome
History and America’s Great Recession
Why are people setting fire to libraries?
Ethnography of Everyday Racism
“Bacteria can think too”
There is No Solidarity Economy
In Praise of Social Sciences
Trial by Politics
The Book: Its Past, Its Future
Reform in China: Sluggish or Dynamic?
Drug Legalization? A French Perspective
The Globalization of African Elections
Peter Zumthor: an “Acontemporary” Architect?
The Invention of Globalisation
Empowerment, From Theory to Practice
Urban Policy in France and Great Britain
Revolutionary Roundup
A Brief History of the Alter-Globalization Movement
The Commons, Old and New
Civic Mobilization in Russia: Protest and Daily Life
Field Testing in Development Economics
Revolution and the Crisis of Temporality
Rhythms of Construction
The Multiple Meanings of Revolution
Labour markets and the crisis of the European Monetary Union
Revolution and Redistribution
Opening the Nazi archives at Bad Arolsen
With or Without the Chinese People?
Mobile Phones and Politics in China
Migrant Labour Culture in Post-Mao China
Fighting for a Fair Wage
Claiming Indigenousness in India
The Need to Compare
Rebuilding a Monetary Union for Europe
The Creation of Defence in China
Artistic Beauty as a Political Weapon
Mapping the Chinese
The Creative Class to the Rescue of Cities?
The Internet and its Democratic Virtues
The Making of the Republican Candidate
Human Rights and Politics
The “War on Women”
The Day Income Gaps Were Finally Capped
Emergency Cinema
Gated Communities: Ghettos for the Rich?
National Conferences in Brazil
Why We Abolished Marriage
Syria: Anatomy of a Revolution
Why Financial Crises Give Birth to Legends
The Age of Youth
The Politics of Justice
Post-colonial Governance on a French Island
A New Indigenous Question in France’s Overseas Territories?
The Slow Triumph of the Majority
Could Random Selection and Deliberative Democracy Revitalize Politics in the 21
Italy: The Temptation of Revisionism
Is the Middle Class a Victim of Taxation?
Chicago: A City on the Brink
Is There a Dictatorship in the E.U.?
Novel Spatial Formats For Urban Inclusion
Two cities with School Segregation? 2/2
Two cities with School Segregation? 1/2
Louis Dumont’s Political Thought
Comparing Urban Ethoses
How Should Executives Be Paid?
The Three Ages of Conflict in Voluntary Associations
Translation and the Meaning of Linguistic Diversity
J14 in Tel-Aviv
Pluralism, Values, and the European Judge
China: Back to the Imperial Sense of the State
Anastasie and Massouda
Protectionism as Internationalist Liberalism
Egyptian Journalists and Power
The Media Revolution and Public Debate
Doing Away With Presidential Elections
Secularism and State Feminism: Tunisia’s Smoke and Mirrors
The Opacity of Consensus
El 15M y la democracia de los movimientos sociales
Un motor de la indignación
Translating the Second Sex
A Reflection on Populism
When Trust is Lost
Una tradición hispana de democracia local
When Immigration Is a Crime
‘Hacker’ Journalism - A New Utopia for the Press?
The Rise and Fall of Alternative Spaces
Native Americans, America’s Colonial Troops
Republicanismo y participación ciudadana
Republican Reflections on the 15-M Movement
Protectionism and the Birth of Catalanism
Japan and Asia: The Implications of an Improved Relationship
Beaches in the City
For a Social Investment Pact in Europe
El abecedario iberoamericano de la modernidad política
From Risk To Disaster
Worldwide Libel
The Active Solidarity Benefit and the Fight against Poverty
Sprouts of Democracy in Chinese History
The Lessons of Disasters
La democracia directa de la Puerta del Sol
La larga historia de la democracia española
The Autumn of the Patriarchs
Suicide, Islam and Politics
Getting to Grips with Disaster
Saving or Leaving to Die
Madmen in prison?
The Nature and Limits of the Majority Principle
Are Cities Parasites or Resource Pools?
Finance, an Inequality Factor
Is a History of Trust Possible?
Is China Asian?
Lula: Father of the Poor?
Universal Postal Services: High Noon For a Time-tested Institution?
France Against Its Gypsies
The Collective Identity of a Teaching Body
Why Britons Trust their Police
Comparing Social Protection in France and Germany
The Persistence of Empires
The Social State and Globalization
The French Social Welfare Model, as Seen from the Polders
J Street, the Lobby of the “Silent Majority”
The Collateral Victims of the
: A Story of Standardization
When Famine Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth
Liszt and Modernity
Will the Wedding of Australia and Asia Ever Take Place?
Obesity: From Glory to Disgrace
Allotment and Democracy in Ancient Greece
Europe Is Afraid of Its Roma
Color Blindness and Racial Politics in the Era of Obama
From Scholar to Official
Risk and the Masses
In the Best Interest of the Child
A History of Show-Business Football
The crisis of representation in Great-Britain
Ambedkar and the Critique of Caste Society
China’s Social Protection System of the Elderly
Frédéric Bastiat, the American Right’s French Inspiration
NGOs and the Environmental Warning
Towards a Paradigm Shift in Economics?
Society of Discontent or Discontent in Society ?
The Food Crisis Is Not Over Yet
The decline of manufacturing and its regional consequences in
Inbreeding in Universities: In Favour of Administrative Regulation
Academic Inbreeding: An Evaluation
The Russian federation faced with the challenge of regionalisms
Castes, untouchability and social success in India
Portrait of the intellectual as a
What justice after war?
Is European citizenship feasible?
The family is priceless
The Global Financial Crisis and the Evolution of Corporate Governance in Japan
Benefits and costs of free trade for less developed countries
Antidumping protection hurts good firms
Rebel with a Prescription: Eminem, or America on Drugs
The Invention of the European Citizen
Obama and the End of the African-American Mirage
For an Ecological Democracy
1914-1918: Understanding the Controversy
Obama’s Mother
Can We Trust the “Society of Distrust”?
The crisis is more than economics
“All things are possible”. About Obama’s future policy
Wages, taxation system and distribution of domestic chores
Labour force participation of women and « marriage market » in the
Which direction for the welfare state?
Secure Afghanistan
October 2008: the return of the State?
The World Social Forum Challenge
The Koran and Freedom of Thought
American Military Strategy: New Thinking and Complications
Virginity and Burqa: Unreasonable Accommodations?
Red Ribbon and Black Silence
Designing wisdom through the Web: The passion of ranking
Do Criminal Judges Discriminate?
Global justice, local courts
Emerging from Dependence : Domestic Employees’ Trade Unions in Brazil
Democratic Universalism as a Historical Problem
Is the Internet an instrument of democracy?
American democracy after Bush : out with the Republican Party, in with the republican Spirit
Who owns nature ?
Promoting democracy : a theoretical impasse ?
Robert Putnam and the New American Indifference
The Politics of Error
Sport as a battlefield
Carthage’s Troubles
Organic pioneers
The Accumulation of Energies
, the Holy See, and the Jews
Mines to the rescue of the planet?
Hayek: Theorist and Activist
The Motivations Behind Jihad
The fabric of a communal ghetto in India
Ritual Matters
Nero’s Gang
Decarbonizing Economics
The four paradigms of the European regulatory state
The Before and the After
Who rules the blue planet?
The Wisdom of Wine
Minority identification between affiliation and ascription
Pits and Perverts
Economics of conversion
The Vegetable Garden of Eden
The Liberals’ Cold War
The Invention of Kant
The Departments of the French Antilles
Land Ownership: A Western Fiction
A micro-history of the Holy City
Female, French, Arab
Logics of Ecstasy
Inside an animal’s soul
Of roots and fruit
The Inquiry Into Being
The Anarchism of Intellectuals
The Vertical and Horizontal Axes of Democracy
Digging Up Cataclysms
The Poor of the Ancien Régime
The Police Between Violence and Literature
Divine Sensations
Russia’s Power Diagonal
Jobs, Bezos, Musk, and the Rest
Philosophy as a feminist triumph
The Prolonged Suffering of the Syrian People
Jewish Archives, French History
Politics from the Backstage
What binds us together?
John Stuart Mill: Between elitism and democracy
Does the Law Protect the Environment?
Life as a Puzzle
Ethic of Care or Solidarity Pact?
In Praise of the Intermediary
Daring to Embrace Feminist Philosophy
Back in (debt) order
The Cultural Hegemony of Colonialism
The Vagaries of the Judiciary
Inventors’ Rights
The value of land
There May Be Evidence for This, But...
A religion without institutions?
The great circle of philosophy
The left’s Enlightenment origins
The Paternalistic State
The Political Scientist, the President and his Post
Can capitalism go green?
How much should a life cost?
Being a Man Under Nazism
Democracy without Taking Sides?
A Conversation Between Africa and the World
In Defence of a Federative European Republic
The Weight of Discrimination
The Many Facets of Islam
The History and Future of Assyriology
In the Land of Logistics
Nuclear Weapons: A Long-Overdue Conversation
An Alternative History of French Epistemology
The Advent of the Secularocene
A Tribunal for the Planet
Making Tomorrow Another Day
Freedom Beyond Metaphysics
Making Children into Adults
The Prime Convict of the 5
A Catastrophic History of the World
The Decomposed Passerby
The quest for marketing
Andalusia: political decline, cultural flourishing
A Different Way of Teaching?
The Other Side of Model Minorities
A micro-history of the Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
The Plastic Reality of Capitalism
The Rules of Speech
What is a republican?
Telemedecine: Connecting Healthcare Providers and Patients
How democratic norms are used
Bourdieu by Bourdieu
Minority Politics
Urban Countrysides
A Portrait of Sartre as a Cartesian
Africas in the World
Life in the Drug Trafficking Era
The Moral Animal
The Social Key to Dreams
The Effervescence of Algerian Independence
Where can Democracies Deliberate?
The Endless Corruption of the Powerful
The Grammar of Modernity
The Mysterious Persistence of the Moroccan Monarchy
Saying and Doing
The First Biologist
Becoming respectable
Brexit: Follow the Money
What Political Economy for Science?
The Ecology of Affect
Democratic environments
The Enduring Mammoth
Political Psychiatry in the Twentieth Century
France – a Nation of Cops?
The World on a Plateau
Making History through Archives
Figuration and its Modalities
God is in the street
The Agriculture We Deserve
On the Road to Prison
The Man Who Hoped
King Coal
Six Centuries of Climate Debate
The Human in its Limits
Let’s Get This Bread
The antithesis of indifference
Secrets of the Forest and a Life
Towards a consumer society
Eternal Epicurus
Hunting high and low
Coaching Your Company
The Planet in Court
The Union of Choruses
Toward Equality
Organising a Muslim Society
The social odyssey of trans
Too concrete
The Self and Its Models
Policing Prostitution
Should the statues of great men be pulled down?
The Cleaver and the Hussar
Good Copy and Big Money
The ecclesiastic roots of the modern state
Homo reparans
Living in a dictatorship
How valuable are evaluations?
Summers in the Motherland
Fieldwork in a roundabout
Damn neo-liberalism
On Bosses and Politics
The Illusions of Colonial Schooling
Prosopopoeia of the Super-polluters
The Jews and Bulgaria’s “rescue” narrative
Gender and Priests
Sociology: A Science Just Like the Rest?
The Numbers We Live By
Going postal: An anthropology of postal work in France
Sexual Freedom under Nazism
The Wolves Entered Paris
On Earth (Not) As in Heaven
Snapshots of colonial violence
Autonomy: A Return to Earth
Medicine and Race during the French Empire
How Can One Be a Left Nietzschean?
A History of the Thirteen in the
Racist Violence before the Law
Verify and punish
One Lab Coat Does Not a Scientist Make
To Educate is to Teach to Die
The lost worlds of the Cold War
Survivors: Women and Migration
Climate Solutions: Reflecting in the Heat of the Moment
Mom’s Emancipation
The Three Ages of Capitalism
Will Capitalism Save the World?
The Cosmopolitical Epiphany
Digital Serfs
Sorting at the Borders
Salutary Slowness
Empress Eugénie: France’s First Lady
The Paris Commune as world-event
Leaving the Car Behind
Such Beautiful Debris
The Arab Spring: Ten Years After
Capitalist Pandemonium
Clemenceau the American
Does the world still revolve around America?
The Political Uses of Law
The Ideology of Property
The general interest of humanity
France’s multi-faceted agricultural empire
Climate Hope
French MPs on the Fringes
Why France Isn’t (Completely) Neoliberal
The Western Conquest of the Silk Routes
The Empowering King of Bollywood
Liberal Democratic Killing
Why Social Democratic Parties no longer expropriate the Rich?
The Force of Feminisms
How Power came to Men
Phantom Empire
Artistic Representations of Scottish Identity
Women work, Men accumulate…
The Seeds of Inequality
Thinking in Common
Drill, Gangs, and Social Media
Neoliberal Statecraft
Towards an Animalist International
Delhi, a Bourgeois City
Barbarian, or Modern?
Inequalities to the Beats of Financialization
The Neglected Rights of the Disabled
Are Plants Animals Like Any Other?
A French Touch in the Sociology of Wealth
Basic Urban Services in India: a Paradoxical Bricolage
A French History of Transhumanism
Becoming Assemblies in Contemporary Syria
From the Order of Nature to Social Order
Unequal Environments
Radical Pragmatists
From Infamous Men to Men of the Forest
Organs and Orgasms
The Unmaking of Caste
The Christian Origins of the Anthropocene
The Apocalypse Is Now
Of Viruses and Men
When Art Colonises
Against Hereditary Rights
Contact and Dispossession
Listen to the Birds
Spinoza as Groundwork for Writing Fiction
The Birth of Fake News
How the History of Philosophy Was Born
Regulating Globalisation
Was New Orleans Caribbean?
The Invisible Museum
Nature Beyond Dualism
Haunted and Enchanted
Elections. Nothing More, Nothing Less
Knowledge Decolonized
Learning from Animals
Contagion, a Cultural History
A Different History of America
The Inequality of Human Lives
Tests in Aesthetics
Being and Choice
The Social Sources of Institutions
Sontag as Metaphor
The Aporias of Property
Collectors, Dealers and Artists
à la française
Feminism and Its Enemies
The Birth of Stars
On the Inquisition in America
Democracy With or Without Borders
Scottish Architectural Photography
Automotive Society
A Compendium on Consumption
The Anti-Europeans
The Scourge of Counterfeit Medicines
The Militarisation of Russian Society
Slave Ship Rebellions
Inequality’s Bright Future
Scholars Between Laughter and Tears
Domination Among the Auditors
Postcolonial Archipelago
By Soil and Blood
Above it All
The History of Afterlives
All Vulnerable
Kara Walker’s
Fons Americanus
at Tate Modern
Writing Intellectual History
Critical Journalism in China
Disaster Professionals
The Price of Tolerance
Foreign and Familiar
Is There an End to Productivism?
Islam and Politics in Indonesia
Participation Against Democracy
Thinking through Wildlands
Banking Without the State?
Compulsory Happiness
Castles and Nationhood
Toxic Urban Land
Who Is Watching the Shadow Banks?
Work That Doesn’t Pay Off
The Moral Philosophy of a Political Refugee
Island of Refuge
Who Wants Nature to Die?
Gods and Rupees
Activism in the Age of Financialization
The Regime of Opinion
Voting with Euros
Surveil and Predict
Prostitution and Statebuilding
The Myth of the Wrong Body
Morality and Its Limits
Advocating for Climate Equity
They Did Witness
The Well-Kept Secrets of International Finance
The Planned Depletion of Fish Stocks
The Glory of Carbon
Is the Majority Always Right?
Habermas in the public sphere
European lobbies under scruntiny
Injustices That Will Not Pass
A Turbulent Decade
Naming the Crime
Rousseau in Corsica
An Economist Sounds the Alarm
Northern Ireland and Brexit
Reevaluating Terror in the French Revolution
The Label of Schizophrenia
Man the Oblivious Waste Creator
Veils in the Western World: a Thousand-Year History
The Coal Economists
Man the Consumer
The Lost World of Wood Runners
Forest Resistance
Of Cities and Their Mores
Grand Tourism: Educational Journeys in 18
Century Europe
Fragile States: Nation-building in Sudan
When Creativity Becomes the Watchword
Medicine of the Black Body
A Call to Arms
The Homeland of Equality
The Empire of Plants
An Anti-Gender Europe
Is Bourdieu’s Theory Too Deterministic?
Scotland: Nation, Enlightenment and Empire
The Long March for Equality
What is Literature for?
Gender Boundaries, Race Boundaries
Halal Cool
In the Land of Vegetarians
As Fragile as a Matsutake
Discreetly Ostentatious
Humanity and Butchery
The Corporate Dictatorship
The Kurdish Internationale
Little Englanders vs Human Rights?
At the Frontiers of Reality
A New Look at Development
Choosing to Pollute
Facing the Question
Capitalism and Colonies
Words and Matter. America and Europe
Of Trees and Signs
Intelligence, Still Artificial
European Classes
The Administration of Pregnancy
The Mechanics of the Gaze
Everyone’s a Collector!
Unreasonable Rule
The Intelligence of the Wicked
The Meaning of Killing
Why Do We Restore Artworks and Many Other Objects?
Psychological War
The Enigma of Peronism
Holidays in the Highlands
Extraordinary Men
Homosexuality on Trial
Running Water on Every Floor
The Judge as an Urban Planner
Digital Literature
Sloganising Bodies
What’s in a ‘Chrononyme’?
The Little Society of Children
Economizing on Scientific Debate
From Frenchmen to Foreigners
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Spinoza
Scottish Art: Then and Now
Awakening the Leader within You
A Digital Age Without Proletarians
Uncaptive Mind
Truth-Making in Early Islam
Working or Looting?
The Moral of Historical Fiction
Reflections on the Makings of Neo-Weberian Policy
What Nero Says about Us
Of Wolves and Men
Loyola’s Childhood
The Universal and the Particular
Paris for Sale
The Working Classes in Contemporary France
Celebrating Scottish Heroes
The Elite Paradigm
Waiting for Europe
Europe without Government
The Secret Life of Trees
Gender in Theory and in Practice
A Human Rights Policy
Ecology of Monads
The Psyche of Fascists
The Great Wall of Britain
A World of Museums
An Obsolete Separation of Powers?
How Can We Talk about Sexual Minorities?
Desegregating the Understanding of Music
The New Public Management
The Forgotten of the National Story
The Republic and the Witch
Populism is a Form of Anti-Pluralism
The End of Modern Economic Growth as We Know It
Will We Soon Be Extinct?
The Partisan Justice
The City of Tears
Robespierre, An Indecisive Revolutionary
Going Wild
The Idea of the Ghetto
Pornography Under the Lens
Penal Policy and Racial Prejudice in the United States
Black Diamond
Rising Above Racism
Class-based Healthcare
The Birth of ’Race’
The Radical Uncertainty of the Economy
The Agricultural New Deal
The Sahel: In What State?
The Importance of Being a Dog
French Law and Racist Speech
Lobbied by the Laboratories
The Legend of Céline
The Subversive Power of the Migrant
The Government Under Attack
The Avant-Garde System
Women in Motion
A Journey into Eurocracy
Shaping Indochinese Identity
The Logic of Revolutions
Guilty of Being Poor
The Great Climate Change Market
The Colonial Margins of Citizenship
1839 or the Odyssey of Freedom
The General Interest
In the Hell of Street-Level Bureaucracy
Immodest Modesty
Deplorable, yourself
What is a Realist?
A Plea for Degrowth
The Weight of Memory
British Islam’s Creativity
Mongol Art in Chinese Land
From the Daguerreotype to Numerical Photography
The Kamasutra and its Audiences
Wealth for All?
What is the Use of Starchitects?
Bourdieu, a Lecture on the Method
Augustus: The Eternal Emperor
An American Jewish Resistance during World War
Coding the Body
An Ethnography of Evictions in the United States
The Old Spirit of Capitalism
From One Class to the Next
On Linguistic Imperialism
Why Hasn’t Caste Disappeared Yet?
The Importance of Global History
1498: The Other “New World”
The Rules of Improvisation
National Parks & National Pride
In Praise of Impurity
The Rise of the New Pandora’s Box?
Election in the Ancien Régime
Globalisation and the Art of Boycotting
Gifted men, giving women
Syria: The Barbarian State
Mr. Bellow’s Planet
The Blue and the Pink
The Art of Not Punishing
Fighting over Numbers
What Same-Sex Parenting Does to Kinship
The Age of Fracture
The Long and Winding Road of the Front National
Giving a Shit
Weber’s Legacy
A Revisionist History of West Africa
One France Against the Other?
Climate Change: A Way Out of Capitalism?
The Sedimentation of Empire
The “Other” Disease"
Bourdieu the Heresiarch
The Shape of a City
Anthropology and the Challenge of Cognitivism
A New Race Paradigm?
Democracy and “the People”
Images of the People
Searching for the Origins of
Rethinking the New Deal
White Collars, Dirty Hands and Clean Records
Secularization and its Other: the French Problem
Socrates the Accused
The Tender Indifference of the World: Revisiting Albert Camus
Schooling Ideals and Student Culture: the Case of India
Living the Enlightenment
Borders as Thickening Zones
A Glimpse of Free Government?
Endangered Languages
Europe Torn Between State and Market
Home and Away: Studying in Europe
Not Quite White? The Lebanese of West Africa
Universal Us: Rethinking Cosmopolitanism
Gender, Politics and Scientists
The Myth of the French Nation
“What a Show It Will Be!” Freak Shows and American Society
Karachi: A History of Violence
A Visual History of Women’s Emancipation
Should the Enlightenment be Provincialised?
The Substance of Modernity
Race and Republicanism
Does Cultural Capital Still Classify Us?
An Environmental History of Russia
Imagining Health Disasters
The Anthropology of Violence in the Colonial Context
The Origins of the Syrian Insurrection
Segregated Soldiers: African-Americans, Civil Rights and the
Bonaparte: a Condottiere in Revolution
The Fault is Not in Our “Stars”, but in Ourselves
A Tale of a Chinese Lawyer
Feminism as Political Practice
Discussing Karl Polanyi, Understanding the Current Crisis
An Alternative Ecology?
Pieces of History
Max Weber and Capitalism’s Strange Rationality
World War I: Intellectuals and Enlisted Men
An Ideology of the Drone
Stay classy, Piketty
Politics and Economies of Reputation
Political Animals?
Religion and the Revolution to Come
Global Thinking
Migrants and Mercenaries
Understanding the American State
Art History in the Time of Nationalism
The ‘Age of Nixon’ Reconsidered
African Independence Reconsidered
Confess and Obey
The “science of man”
Wittgenstein, Russell, and Religion
Comparing Success
Serendipity: Expect The Unexpected
Invisible Public Policies & Inequalities
Unionization for Everyone?
Reconciling Labor and Citizenship
Philip Roth’s Counterlives
Identity’s Difficulties
Playing Together
Un nouveau paradigme de la race
Does Violence Have a Sex?
Walter Benjamin, under the Sign of Saturn
The Missing Play
Hungary as a Mafia State?
Mark Rothko, Painter in the Making
Creativity, Reason and Uncertainty
Creativity as Labour
The Wisdom of Crowds
The Future of Historical Writing
How the Indians Conquered the West
Evolving Without Darwin
Neuroethics, a New Frontier in the Humanities
When the Art of Ancient Greece Lost its Colour
The Need for a Master
The Shade of the Colonies in Urban France
Is debt a dangerous institution?
Is China Destined to Democratize?
Are Statistics Useless?
Total Wagner
The Forming of Opinion
Voting: Number or Reason?
The story of connected history
The Hybridization of Europe and the Muslim World
Informal Ethnography in New York
Take on the Color of the Dead
Terrorism from Robespierre to Al-Qaida
Globalization under Alexander the Great
Being American
America, Not An Empire ? Really?
Derrida and the Marginality of the French Intellectual
A Stroll through Public Space
The Environmental Dimensions of Today’s Food Insecurity
Zomia, Land Without State
A World Out of Key
From Bombay to Mumbai
Interweaving Eastern and Western Perspectives
Ghettos: Centers of Jewish Resistance?
The “Ambiguities” of Irène Némirovsky
Muslims on the Decline?
The Life of Others (and Ourselves)
Reassessing Enlightenment Economics
1939-1945: The Germans exterminate the Jews
Not Ruled by Time and Space
The Fascination for India
Europe’s Social Dimension
Plutocracy in America
The Benefits of Anachronism
Exploiting the Urban Poor
Timothy Snyder and his Critics
Choosing Our Leaders
What is Colonial Science?
How Paris Became a Museum
The Weather Factor
Urban Archaeology: A Science of the City
Malcolm X and the Search for the Universality of Blackness
The Politics of Disagreement
From the New South to the Global South
Freedom as Anxiety
Peace perpetually reconsidered
Homophobia in the United States
The Limits of Presidential Power
Separations: The Female Perspective
Billionaires: Oligarchy within Democracy?
The Formation of a Leader
Fashion, Soviet Style?
Towards a Paradigm Shift in Economics?
Who Will Write Our History?
Neighborhood as a social fact
For the Love of André
Europe at the Highest Level
Energy, a Lens on World Politics
Serve the People
Allies once but forever rivals
The Art of Not Doing Fieldwork
Judges on Trial
Explanation Explained
When the Check-Out Staff Checked Out
The Mid-Life Crisis of Neo-Liberalism
Justice and Otherness
The Ephrussi Treasure
Promises, Promises
Retracing the Steps of the Poor
Is It Human Nature to Be Good?
Comparing Race and Caste?
Are Asian Economies Converging Towards American Capitalism?
Settling Up with the Bank
Dutchmen and Javanese: Connected History
Envisaging the Future of Republicanism in France
Post-Racial America?
The Numbers of Crime
A So-Called Silence
New Light on a Colonial Massacre
Challenging the Libertarian Mind
The Soviet Union: A Shaky Welfare State
Reflections of Value in Trading Rooms
Hunts for Jews and Golden Harvest
And War Gave Birth to the American Leviathan
Cities’ Collective Mentalities
French Economic Optimism
Employment in France: Past and Future
The End of Empire and the Transnational System
The 993
Political Ecology in France
Liberty, Security, Flexibility
The Chinese State at Work
Minimal Ethics
Masses Taking Over The Square
Gangs of Paris or Thereabout
Poverty Experts in the United States
Challenging Mainstream Art
Concepts in Life: Reflections on Writing History
Participating Is Not Enough
Cuba : el silencio y el miedo
Economics: a Cure for Pessimism
The Elementary Forms of Happiness
“Life Goin’ Nowhere”
Investigating China
Disorder in Modernity
Hopeful Sociology
Israel and the European Union
The Economics of Carl Menger
Who Rules the Global Rule Makers?
Political Education in the Soviet Union
The Mayawati Factor
A Very Lively Desert
Narrating the World
Bury and let die
Get Yourself Into Debt!
Peasants into Bolsheviks?
Picturing Fantasies
Moderate Moderns
The Transformation of Heartland America: a Success Story?
Recovering Privacy
Predatory Power
The Unobtrusive Action of Femocrats
The Reality of Social Demotion
Opium in Republican China
Neighborhoods and Cultural Differences
Obama as Philosopher
The Reception of John Stuart Mill in France
The Social Utility of the Humanities
A Sociologist in the Ghetto
A Moral History of Human Guinea Pigs
Doing Democracy Differently
The Story Behind the Sneer
A Dead Poet’s Society
Liberty, Equality, or Fraternity between the Generations?
Testing Biopolitics against World Population Growth
The Two Lives of Ivan Illich
Rwanda: The Steps to Genocide
A Corrective History of Chinese Urban Cinema
Free Markets, Free Polluters
The Racial Foundations of American Psychiatry
Profession: killer
French Society: Words and Numbers
International Criminal Justice: The Contribution of the Human Sciences
Bomb, Opacity, Democracy
Collecting as Infatuation
Shock, What Shock?
Deconstructing Work
The 1970s: Years of Politics!
A Chinese Chronicle of Everyday Discontent
The Mystery of the Terror
A French New Deal?
The Precariousness Syndrome
The Expert Manipulation of Female Orgasm
Absolutism and Its Judges
The Intelligence of the Hand
Challenging Family Rhythms
The Century of the Hygienist
The Construction of Racial Identity in the United States
From the Rights of Man to Human Rights?
We Have Always Been Modern
Slander or the paradoxes of freedom of speech
European Union: Political Cultures, Languages and Civic Identities
A Monetarist History of the Fed
The Culture of Poverty Reconsidered
Hitler, the Arabs and the Jews
Unlocatable Justice
Seeing Double
The Republic, Nature and Right
When China met Africa
Autonomy: Aspiration, or Condition?
Anti-Semitic beliefs in contemporary Poland
Multilingualism Is a Humanism
The end of sovereignty
What Remains of Dance
Guattari’s Relevance
China and its Democratic Fiction
What is a Federation?
Karl Polanyi, the Market and Socialism
Hijab: the struggle goes on
What Globalisation Has Done to Wine
Gender is everywhere
Liberté, égalité, fraternité… empire
Deconstructing globalization
How to Find Out How to Do Qualitative Research
Back from the Trenches
The art market before the French Revolution
William T. Vollmann on Writing Poverty
Is America Sick with Inequality?
Lévy-Bruhl and the Problem of Contradiction
Thinking About the Self
The quality of work in Europe
The Politics of Inequality
History and Globalisation
From a Civic Point of View
The Lost Cause of Democracy
Making Urban Democracy Work
Mayhem in sociology: proverbs in economics
Samuel Beckett in history
Foucault: Truth in Action
The unconscious and its images
The Economics of Singular Goods
The pragmatism of the James brothers
From Revolution to Restoration ?
Detrivialising democracy: Marcel Gauchet between enchantment and disenchantment
Essay against giving
Remnants of the Holocaust on the Eastern Front
Were there any Indian Galileos?
Coming of age in Europe
The Politics of the Veil
Mugged by Reality—Again:
The Iraq War as Philosophy of History
Is there yet a new
New Labour
The New Class Struggle?
For a participatory Architecture
Syria’s Quest for Justice & Unity
How to dissent
A European code of capital ?
The origins of the California dream
The multiple imaginaries of the American nation
Castes and State in India
Black Institutions in the United States
The Ghosts of Colonisation
Palestinians’ mental and physical Health
Stanislavski’s Century
Implicit gender bias
The Second World Power and its Social Complexity
From Slavery to Police Torture
American Democracy and the Challenge of Identity Pluralism
Democracies in an age of uncertainty: a long term perspective
The Digital Revolution empowers us
The Historical and Material Roots of Digital Innovation
The pressing need to harness emerging technologies
Big Tech’s Rise to Political Power
The Digital World Shapes New Social Structures and Conventions
“The Tragedy Has Never Left Us.” On the War in Ukraine
From one war to another: Ukraine facing Russia
In Magellan’s Wake
Utopia, Dystopia
Who Owns the Night?
Pact on Migration and Asylum
Hip-Hop Studies: Formation, Flow and Trajectory
Speech and Sense of Justness in China
Rethinking Class
Facing Bolsonaro’s Attack on Science and Social Protection in the Pandemic
Governing by Technology in China
Chinese Intellectuals Speak to the World
Brexit and Scottish Nationalism
Georges Duby, Scholar and Popular
Hacking Through Contemporary Electronic Music
China’s Digital Nationalism and the Hong Kong Protests
Taking Metal Music Seriously
Black Men and the Choice of Masculinity
The Politics of Antibiotics
British Protectionism Through the Ages
Notre-Dame: Heritage Emotions
Theories as Social Action
Making Refuge in a Neoliberal Country
Japanoise: Affect at the Edge of Music
Beyond Commodification
Liberalism, between War and Peace
Liberalism, between War and Peace
Below the Surface
From Marx to Marxism: Histories of an Idea
Our Lives as They are Told
The Reception of Refugees
A European Unemployment Insurance Scheme?
Pinochet and the Chicago School
Social Inequalities in the Post-Brexit Era
How to Prepare for the Inevitable
What are Philanthropic Organizations Hiding?
Fighting Terrorism with Emergency Legislation
Race and Counter-Cultures in the United States
Whither Democracy in Brazil?
Camus in America
We Don’t Need Another Hero: Understanding Digifeminism
The Ancestor Seeker
What is a French Philosopher?
The Origins of Mass Surveillance
Civic Hacking and our Political Future
Class and Culture
Party, Capitalists and Class in China
The Geometry of Differences
Big Data: The Far West of Information?
Understanding Quantum Physics
The Putin Doctrine
Alternative Foods, Activism and Strawberries in California
Changing Cells: Understanding Epigenetics
From Mass Media to the Digital Revolution
My Crystal Ball is Cloudy: The Historian as Public Intellectual
The Tumults of the Twentieth Century
Jews and Muslims in France: the History of a Relation
Power and Passion in the Muslim World
Are Historians Guilty of Short-term Thinking?
When History Flows Through Us
Astronomy in Expansion
Anthropology between the Lines
An Economic Analysis of the Ukrainian Crisis
Love à la française
On Board The Slave Ship
Time and Collective Memory
The Scandinavian Exception: Myths and Realities
The Earth’s Ambassador
Divorce and Identity
Providing Fair Access to Housing
Filming the End of the World
The Three Dimensions of Ethnography
The Political Economy of Nazism
A Decent and True Understanding of the Past
The Suspension of Meaning
Analytics of Power
Citizen Balibar
Analytic Marxism and Real Utopias
Labor Migration and Social Rights
Thinking in Tongues
Choosing Confucianism: Departing from the Liberal Framework
The Significance of Choice
Quebec: a Democracy in Crisis
The Ethnography of Disasters
Giving Gifts
In the Land of Voluntarism
Fukushima: The Unremitting Disaster
What Images Show
Small States, Big Credit?
The Greek State: Its Past and Future
Reconstructing Citizenship for the Twenty-first Century
The Empirical Sociology of Critique
History Speaks Many Languages
Tax Havens: A Guided Tour
The Impossible Asian Union
The American State: Power Obscured
Monitoring Changes in China’s Media
Race and Health in Post Civil Rights America
The Iberian-American Alphabet of Political Modernity
Culture of poverty and Social Resilience
The Making of an American Aristocracy
What It Means to Be a Sociologist in China
Cutting a deal with the Mexican police
Social Life as Improvisation
Invisible constraints
The language of the executioners and the language of the victims
A redrawing of the Red/Blue map in November 2010?
Global France
How to Modernize the British Welfare State
Where have the rebels gone?
Feminism, Capitalism, and the Cunning of History
Political change and democracy in China
Europe: A Deficit of Democracy?
American Exceptionalism at Its End
When the lottery is fairer than rational choice
Is There a Reawakening of American Democracy?
Teenagers and their sexuality
Immigration, knowledge and power
Is representative democracy really democratic ?
Should we Be Afraid of the Digital Revolution ?
Summer Reading
Summer Mix
Democracy Distorted
What Has the Digital Era Done to Us?
Shifting Perspectives
Gender and Politics
How China Governs
The Making of Race
Beyond Consumerism?
Why Has Racial Justice Still Not Been Achieved?
Faces of the Pandemic
Journalism and Media Politics in Asia
Indian Politics
On the Green Side
Music and Politics
Nature and Alternative Spaces
Who Will Save the Planet?
Summer Holiday
Inventing, Reinventing, Questioning Democracy
Studying Social Class: Legacy & Renewal
Money & Value
The Politics of Images
Contemporary Russia and the West
Best of Books & Ideas, Part 4: Geopolitics & Conflict
Best of Books & Ideas, Part 3: Debating Inequalities
Best of Books & Ideas, part 2: Intellectual Portraits
Best of Books & Ideas, part I: Interviews
Let’s eat! Food and the social sciences
Debating Inequalities : Transatlantic Perspectives
Environmentalism – A Multidisciplinary Perspective
History in the Making
Democracy, Urban Issues and Corruption in Contemporary Brazil
Debates Across the Board
Europe: its construction, its money, its politics
Visions and Revisions of the Holocaust
Protesting in early 21
century China
Debate, Democracy and the Public Sphere
Cities, Centers of our Time
American Elections: The Conservative Temptation
Thinking Global
Oiling the Wheels of Democracy
Youths of Two Continents
The Power of Images
Europe: the Meaning of a Crisis
To Have or Not to Have
Is Protectionism the Solution?
The Fall of the House of Obama?
Democracy: Bridging the Representation Gap
The Economic Crisis: Questions and a Few Answers
Back to Asia
Press and Democracy
Debates en torno al 15M
European Citizenship on the March
The Culture of Poverty
The Significance of Disasters
Campaigning for Ideas
Robert Owen: The Father of British Socialism?
Europe: Another Useless Treaty?
The Fight against Corruption
Islam and the Republic: Towards a Reasonable Accommodation
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Pour une histoire relationnelle des musulmans et des juifs en France
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Article à accès restreint
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Deux célèbres inconnues. Le mystère Jeanne Weil(l)
L’empire de l’urgence, ou la fin de la politique
Contester Parcoursup
The Oxford Handbook of Caste
L’avenir confisqué
Les nouvelles portes des grandes écoles
Une armée noire. Fort Huachuca, Arizona (1941-1945)
La Banque Providence : Démocratiser les banques centrales et la monnaie
La constitution de la démocratie. Égalité et communauté chez Ronald Dworkin
La passion de l’égalité
Tempête parfaite. Chronique d’une pandémie annoncée
La Haine des clercs. L’anti-intellectualisme en France
La lutte et l’entraide - L’âge des solidarités ouvrières
Frontiers of Responsibility for Global Justice
Controlling Credit. Central Banking and the Planned Economy in Postwar France, 1948–1973
Spinoza, philosophe en équilibre
En camping-car
Vers une histoire sociale des idées politiques
Ce que les riches pensent des pauvres
Jamaica Jamaica
Les inégalités sociales
Robert Owen’s Experiment at New Lanark : From Paternalism to Socialism
Godescalc, le moine du destin
La démocratie universelle. Philosophie d’un modèle politique
Laëtitia ou la fin des hommes
Inna Jamaican Stylee : Usages et discours des musiques jamaïcaines
Qu’est-ce qu’une bonne représentation
? L’Organisation internationale du travail de 1919 à nos jours
Les oubliés du rêve américain. Philanthropie, État et pauvreté urbaine aux États-Unis
Jeunesse oblige. Histoire des jeunes en France
Le corps des autres
Radicaliser la démocratie. propositions pour une refondation
Au prêt sur gage
L’Histoire est une littérature contemporaine. Manifeste pour les sciences sociales
Parler politique en chine : Les intellectuels chinois pour ou contre la démocratie
Les Batailles de l’impôt. Consentement et résistances de 1789 à nos jours
Après la Grande Guerre. Comment les Amérindiens des États-Unis sont devenus patriotes (1917-1947)
Spinoza et la psychanalyse
Le dossier secret de l’affaire Dreyfus
Le ressentiment, passion sociale
Le nouvel âge de la solidarité : Pauvreté, précarité et politiques publiques
Histoire des grands-parents que je n’ai pas eus
Refaire société
Services publics à la carte
? : Le choix comme valeur sociale
La société des égaux
Spinoza : Union et désunion
Spinoza Pas à Pas
Le mondial des nations
La Communication du bien chez Spinoza
Les enfants de la République
Histoire sociale de l’impôt
La théorie spinoziste des rapports corps/esprit et ses usages actuels
L’autonomie des assistés. Sociologie des politiques d’insertion
Les stratégies absurdes. Comment faire pire en croyant faire mieux
La multitude libre. Nouvelles lectures du Traité politique
La régulation par les pauvres
Spinoza par les bêtes
La légimité démocratique. Impartialité, reflexivité, proximité
Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Principes du droit de la guerre. Écrits sur la paix perpétuelle
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