Sandrine Revet is a Fellow Researcher at Sciences-po. Her dissertation, published in 2007 as Anthropologie d’une catastrophe. Les coulées de boue de 1999 au Venezuela (Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle), looks at the social, political and cultural dynamics accompanying a natural disaster which occurred in this country in 1999.
Sandrine Revet is a member of the editorial boards of Cahiers des Amériques latines and Critique Internationale, and of the Disaster and Social Crisis Research Network. She co-founded the Association pour la recherche sur les catastrophes et les risques en anthropologie [Anthropological Research on Disasters and Risks Association] (ARCRA) and is an Associate Researcher in the Groupe de sociologie politique et morale (EHESS).
Transcription by Stéphanie Mimouni; subtitles by Ariel Suhamy.
Further reading
– See on La Vie des idées, our dossier on Le sens des catastrophes [The Meaning of Disasters]
– Sandrine Revet, “Penser et affronter les désastres : un panorama des recherches en sciences sociales et des politiques internationales,” Critique internationale, 2011/3 n°52, p. 157-173.
– Julien Langumier et Sandrine Revet, “Une ethnographie des catastrophes est-elle possible ? Coulées de boue et inondations au Venezuela et en France,” Cahiers d’anthropologie sociale, n°7, 2011.
To quote this article :
David Bornstein & Florent Guénard, « The Ethnography of Disasters. An Interview with Sandrine Revet »,
Books and Ideas
, 18 June 2012.
ISSN : 2105-3030.
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