
Essay History

Dossier / Youths of Two Continents

The Age of Youth
An Interview with Ludivine Bantigny, Historian

by Thomas Grillot , 10 July 2012
translated by Michael C. Behrent
with the support of Institut français (vidéo)

Youth has all the trappings of the universal, eternal value—one that is especially mobilized when there is a need for change. Looking at its history is delving into the construction of a category, and the ubiquituous use and abuse of the people it covers. Historian Ludivine Bantigny sheds light for us on this very political notion.

An Assistant Professor at the University of Rouen and a historian of contemporary France, Ludivine Bantigny wrote Le plus bel âge ? Jeunes et jeunesse en France de l’aube des Trente Glorieuses à la guerre d’Algérie (Paris, Fayard, 2007) ; Jeunesse oblige. Histoire des jeunes en France, (Paris, PUF, 2009, with Ivan Jablonka) ; and Hériter en politique. Filiations, générations et transmissions politiques (Paris, PUF, 2011, with Arnaud Baubérot).

Co-leader of the “Histoire des groupes sociaux et de la construction identitaire” research team at the Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po, she sits on the editorial boards of Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire and Histoire@Politique. Politique, culture, société.

Shooting & editing by Thomas Grillot, transcription by Stéphanie Mimouni, translation by Michael C. Behrent and subtitling by Ariel Suhamy.

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by Thomas Grillot, 10 July 2012

Further reading

Michel Kokoreff, Gangs of Paris or Thereabout, Books and Ideas, 31 January 2012.

To quote this article :

Thomas Grillot, « The Age of Youth. An Interview with Ludivine Bantigny, Historian », Books and Ideas , 10 July 2012. ISSN : 2105-3030. URL :

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