
Interview Philosophy Video Interviews

Anthropology between the Lines
An Interview with Tim Ingold

by Nicolas Auray & Sylvaine Bulle , 13 March 2014

Explaining the genesis of his work, the anthropologist Tim Ingold stresses the contemporary and interdisciplinary dimension of anthropology, as well as the strong relationship this discipline maintains with the art world.

Tim Ingold has become one of the most important figures of contemporary anthropology, whose work generates a dialogue between that of Descola and Bruno Latour. His first essay translated into French, Lines: a brief history, Routledge 2007 / Une brève histoire des lignes, Zones sensibles, 2011, has contributed to his popularity in France. On the occasion of the publication of his work Marcher avec les dragons (Zones sensibles, 2013), Ingold explains the genesis of his work and the contemporary and interdisciplinary dimension of anthropology, as well as the strong relationship this discipline maintains with the art world.

Ingold Première partie par laviedesidees

Ingold 2e partie par laviedesidees

Interview conducted by N. Auray and S. Bulle.Film editing : A. Suhamy.

Dossier's Articles

by Nicolas Auray & Sylvaine Bulle, 13 March 2014

To quote this article :

Nicolas Auray & Sylvaine Bulle, « Anthropology between the Lines. An Interview with Tim Ingold », Books and Ideas , 13 March 2014. ISSN : 2105-3030. URL :

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