
Authors Translators

Arianne Dorval

Arianne Dorval holds a PhD in cultural anthropology from Duke University, where she defended her doctoral thesis on the political subjectivation of Marseille sans papiers in 2014. She has since been working as a professional translator specialized in the field of social sciences and humanities.

Her translations from French to English include Pentecostalism in Brazil: Emotion of the Poor and Theological Romanticism (Macmillan) by the political scientist André Corten and Democracy without Demos by the philosopher Catherine Colliot-Thélène (European Consortium for Political Research). She is currently working on the translation of historian Pauline Peretz’s Une Armée noire, to be published by Cambridge University Press. She has also translated from English to French dozens of articles for academic journals such as L’Homme, Anthropologica, and Cahiers de L’Herne, as well as chapters from the book Black French Women and the Struggle for Equality (1848-2016) edited by Silyane Larcher and Félix Germain (forthcoming publication at Éditions du Seuil).

dorvalarianne at


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