
Authors Translators

Liora Israël

Liora Israël is Director of Studies in Sociology at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales, and a member of the Centre Maurice Halbwachs. Her research focuses on the political mobilization of law and justice, from a historical sociology perspective. Her thesis was published under the title Robes noires, années sombres. Avocats et magistrats en résistance pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale (Fayard, 2005). With Danièle Voldman, she co-edited a book devoted to the work of Michael Pollak, Michael Pollak. De l’identité blessée à une sociologie des possibles (Complexe, 2008), reviewed on La Vie des Idées. Her latest book, À la gauche du droit. Mobilisations politiques du droit et de la justice en France (1968-1981) (Editions de l’EHESS, 2020) was also reviewed by La Vie des Idées. She is currently working on the use of law before the high courts, and more specifically on the profession of avocat aux conseils.

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