
Authors Translators

Dominique Bourg

Dominique BOURG has been Professor at the University of Lausanne (Institute of Territorial Policies and the Human Environment/Faculty of Geosciences and Environment) since September 1, 2006. Previously, he was a professor at the Université de technologie de Troyes and a lecturer at the Institut d’études politiques de Paris from 1997 to 2006.

Together with Alain Papaux, he directs the collection “Développement durable et innovation institutionnelle” published by the PUF and is a member of the editorial and steering committees of the journals Esprit, Risques and Ecologie et politique.

He is or has been a member of several French commissions: the CFDD, the Coppens Commission responsible for drafting the Charter of the Environment now enshrined in the French Constitution, the National Council for Sustainable Development; he was vice-chairman of Commission 6 of the Grenelle Environment Forum and of the Study Group on the Economy of Functionality. He was a member of the Scientific Council of Ademe, sits on the Scientific Council of the Institut de la Ville en mouvement and chairs the EDF Societal Council. He is a member of the Strategic Committee of the Fondation Nicolas Hulot and of the Vaud State Foresight Body.

His research focuses on environmental philosophy and sustainable development, technological choices and risk assessment, the precautionary principle, public debate and participatory democracy.

He has published some fifteen works, including:

 L’homme artifice, Gallimard, 1996

 Nature et technique, Hatier, Optiques Philosophie collection, 1997

 Pour que la Terre reste humaine, with Robert Barbault and Nicolas Hulot, Seuil, 1999

 Parer aux risques de demain-Le principe de précaution, with Jean-Louis Schlegel, Seuil, 2001

 Does sustainable development have a future?, Le Pommier, 2002

 Le nouvel âge de l’écologie, Editions Descartes &Cie-Charles Léopold Meyer, 2003

 Conférences de citoyens, mode d’emploi with Daniel Boy, Editions Descartes &Cie-Charles Léopold Meyer, 2005

 Le Développement durable demain ou jamais, with G.-L. Rayssac, Gallimard, 2006.

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