
Authors Translators

Thierry Amalou

Thierry Amalou is Professor of Modern History at the University of Artois. A specialist in the reforms of the sixteenth century and the Wars of Religion, he works on the construction of religion and power in cities and on the magisterium of the Sorbonne theologians. His publications include Une concorde urbaine. Senlis au temps des réformes (Pulim, 2007); Le lys et la mitre. Loyalisme monarchique et pouvoir épiscopal pendant les guerres de religion (CTHS, 2007); Les universités dans la ville, xvie-xviiie siècles(PUR, 2013, with Boris Noguès); Le Nouveau Testament d’Erasme 1516 (Brepols, 2021, with Alexandre Vanautgaerden).

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