Nadège Vezinat is a professor of sociology at the University of Paris 8, a member of the CRESPPA laboratory (UMR 7217) and the GTM team (Gender, Work, Mobility). A sociologist of work and professions, her research focuses on the restructuring of the State and the organization of public services.
Scientific director of the ANR TRASS (Work, Health, Social) for the period 2022-2025, her research aims to understand how coordinated practice structures (multi-professional health centers and/or health centers) seek to articulate social and health in their organizations and professional practices. She recently published: Vers une médecine collaborative. Politique des maisons de santé pluri-professionnelles en France (PUF, 2019). And also : Les métamorphoses de la Poste. Professionnalisation des conseillers financiers (1953-2010) (PUF, 2012), L’État recomposé (dir. avec Patrick Le Galès) (PUF, 2014) and Sociologie des groupes professionnels (Armand Colin, 2016).