
Authors Translators

Frédérique Schillo

Frédérique Schillo is a historian who specializes on Israël and international relations.
She defended her PhD dissertation at Sciences-Po on “French policy towards Israël, 1946-1959” (Prix Jean-Baptiste Duroselle 2009). André Versaille publishers will release a shortened version of it in the near future.
In French, she also wrote France and the creation of the state of Israël (Artcom’, 1997), contributed to From Bonaparte to Balfour. France, Western Europe and Palestine, 1799-1917 (CNRS éditions, 2008), and authored several articles on the history of sionism and the state of Israël.
She is currently a researcher at the Centre de Recherche Français in Jérusalem (CNRS-MAEE).


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