
Authors Translators

Étienne Pataut

Étienne Pataut is a professor of private law at the Sorbonne Law School (Paris 1 University), co-director of the Revue Trimestrielle de droit européen and a French member of the European Group on Private International Law. He specializes in international law and European Union law and is particularly interested in issues of nationality, mobility and social law. He is notably the author of a short essay on nationality (La nationalité en déclin, Odile Jacob, 2014) and has co-edited several books on the movement of people and social issues in Europe (Constructing the person in EU law – Rights, Roles, Identities, Hart Publishers, 2016 with L. Azoulai and S. Barbou des Places) and Les frontières de l’Europe sociale, Pedone, 2018 with S. Barbou des Places and P. Rodière).

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