
Authors Translators

Sylvie Ollitrault

Sylvie Ollitrault is a research fellow at the CNRS, deputy director of the Center for Research on Political Action in Europe (UMR 6051), Sciences Po Rennes, Rennes 1.

The study of non-governmental organizations and transnational forms of activism is at the heart of her research. She has published on environmental and humanitarian activism (Militer pour la planète. Sociologie des écologistes, Rennes, PUR, 2008) and is interested in questions of globalization. She also works on activism from the perspective of the identity construction of individuals (S. Ollitrault with V. Sala Pala, S. Rétif, L. Arnaud (dir.), L’Action collective face à l’imbrication des rapports sociaux : Classe, ethnicité, genre, L’Harmattan, Logiques politiques, 2009).

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