
Authors Translators

Laura Odasso

Laura Odasso is a researcher at the Chair of Migrations and Societies at the Collège de France and a member of the Convergences Migrations Institute. Conducted from a comparative, qualitative and intersectional perspective, attentive to the diversity of scales, her research explores the experience(s) and uses that mixed and migrant families make of migration law and public action, as well as the role played by the associative world and the legal professionals they meet in their journey.

Recent publications:
« Le droit de la migration et ses intermédiaires », dossier spécial Droit & Société 107(1), 2021 (avec J. Miaz J. et R. Sabrié) – à paraître en juin.
• « Negotiating Legitimacy: Binational Couples in the Face of Immigration Bureaucracy in Belgium and Italy », Anthropologica, 63(1), 2021.
Faire et défaire les liens familiaux. Usages et pratiques du droit en contexte migratoire, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2020 (avec A. Fillod-Chabaud A.)
« Family Rights-Claiming as Act of Citizenship: An Intersectional Perspective on the Performance of Intimate Citizenship », Identities. Global Studies in Culture and Power, 2020. Online first

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