
Authors Translators

Étienne Nouguez

Etienne Nouguez is a CNRS research fellow at the Center for Sociology of Organizations and a lecturer at Sciences Po Paris.

He is pursuing research on the modalities of institutionalization of “health markets”: from (generic) drugs to health foods and cannabis. He is also interested in public health policies, the regulation of the French health system and the transformations of health professions (doctors, pharmacists, nurses, etc.).

He is the author of two books:
 Des médicaments à tout prix. Sociologie des Génériques, published in 2017 by Presses de Sciences Po.
 Le biais comportamentaliste, co-written with Henri Bergeron, Patrick Castel, Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier, Jeanne Lazarus and Olivier Pilmis, and published in 2018 by Presses de Sciences Po.

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