
Authors Translators

Jacques Morizot


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Résultat de traduction
Honorary Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Aix-Marseille, where he was attached to CEPERC (UMR 7304 CNRS).
The core of his research focuses on the modes of operation of iconic objects, from the semiotic level to taking into account the perceptive and cognitive aspects of symbolization. He is also attentive to the situation of aesthetics in relation to the philosophy of mind, epistemology and the arts and to the emergence of the paradigm of naturalization.

Most significant publications: Qu’est-ce qu’une image ? [2005], 3e éd., Vrin, 2019 ; Goodman : modèles de la symbolisation,new édition Vrin, 2012 ; Naturaliser l’esthétique ? , PUR, 2014. In collaboration : Questions d’esthétique (PUF 2000), Esthétique contemporaine (Vrin Textes-clés 2005), Dictionnaire d’esthétique et philosophie de l’art (Armand Colin 2007).

Translator of Goodman (Langages de l’art, J. Chambon 1990), Gombrich (Réflexions sur l’histoire de l’art, J. Chambon 1992), Sibley (Approche de l’esthétique, Éditions d’Ithaque 2018)

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