
Authors Translators

Eugene McCann

Eugene McCann is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. His research interests are urban policy transfer, the relationships between urbanization and globalization, urban drug policy, and urban politics. He is currently working on three books: Assembling Urbanism: Mobilizing Knowledge & Shaping Cities in a Global Context (co-edited with Kevin Ward, University of Minnesota Press), Cities & Social Change (co-edited with Ronan Paddison, Sage), and Urban Geography: A Critical Introduction (co-authored with Andrew Jonas and Mary Thomas, Blackwell). He is co-editor of special editions of the Journal of Urban Affairs (2003) and the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2006). He has authored numerous papers in journals including: Antipode, Environment & Planning A, Environment & Planning D: Society & Space, Geoforum, Professional Geographer, Interventions Economiques, Urban Geography, and Urban Studies. He currently serves on the editorial boards of the journals, Geography Compass and Urban Geography, and of the “Urban policies and citizenship” book series (University of Lyon Press).

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