
Authors Translators

Hélène Martin-Brelot

Hélène Martin-Brelot has a PhD in Geography (ENS Lyon). She wrote a thesis on the role of ICT in sustainable development projects and produced a series of audiovisual magazines on the environment, Rhizome, for a local television station in the Paris region (2001-2006).

From 2007 to 2010, she participated in Toulouse in the European research program ACRE (6th PCRDT) on the competitiveness of regional metropolises and the place of the knowledge economy and creative industries in urban development.

After spending 18 months at the National Research Agency as a scientific project manager, she is currently continuing her research work in Brittany: in Rennes on the creation of innovative companies within the framework of the POPSU 2 program (PUCA-Rennes Métropole) and in Brest on coastal risk management (ANR “Planetary Environmental Changes and Societies”).

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