
Authors Translators

Éloi Laurent

Senior economist and scientific advisor at the OFCE (Centre for Research in Economics at Sciences-po). He teaches at Sciences-po (Master of Public Affairs), Stanford University (Bing Overseas Studies) and at the Collège des Hautes Études Européennes (La Sorbonne).A parliamentary assistant at the National Assembly (1999-2000) then collaborator at the Prime Minister’s Office (2000-2002), he was a visiting researcher at NYU (2003), Columbia University (2002, 2004 and 2007) and at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University (2005-2006). Doctor of Economics, he graduated from Paris IX-Dauphine and Sciences-po (summa cum laude).

In 2008, he co-wrote with Jean-Paul Fitoussi La Nouvelle écologie politique (Le Seuil, La République des idées). En 2007, he co-edited with Jean-Paul Fitoussi France 2012 : E-book de campagne à l’usage des citoyens and co-wrote with Jacques Le Cacheux et Jean-Paul Fitoussi L’Etat de l’Union européenne–L’Europe des biens publics (Fayard/Presses de Sciences-po) et Report on the State of the European Union-Volume II (Palgrave).

His web page (publications) :

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