
Authors Translators

Silyane Larcher

Silyane Larcher, a political scientist and philosopher with a doctorate in political studies from EHESS, is a CNRS research fellow in political science at URMIS (Université Paris Diderot). Her work focuses on the tensions between republican universalism, the colonial situation and the fabrication of race in the French Caribbean.

Based on a historical sociological survey of the rise and spread of Afrofeminism in France, she is currently working on the intersecting effects of gender, the experience of ordinary racialization and the relationship with the colonial past on the political subjectivization of young French women descended from migrants from sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean.

She is notably the author of L’autre citoyen. L’idéal républicain et les Antilles après l’esclavage, Paris, Armand Colin, 2014 and (co-edited with Felix Germain) of Black French Women and the Struggle for Equality, 1848-2016, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, forthcoming 2017.

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