
Authors Translators

Philippe Lacour

A former student at ENS Paris, Philippe Lacour holds an agrégation and a doctorate in philosophy from Aix-Marseille 1 University. His work focuses on practical rationality, at the crossroads of the philosophy of language, the epistemology of cultural sciences and legal theory. He is currently a post-doctoral fellow at Frankfurt’s Goethe University, attached to the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin. He is involved in a number of projects at the Tech-Cico laboratory of the Université de Technologie de Troyes, and is interested in the appropriation of new technologies by the social sciences and humanities. He contributed to the collective work by Marc Foglia and al, Wikipedia. Média de la connaissance démocratique? Quand le citoyen lambda devient encyclopédiste, éditions FYP, Limoges, March 2008.

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