
Authors Translators

Jean Foyer

Jean Foyer is a sociologist and CNRS research fellow at the Institut des Sciences de la Communication (ISCC).

His research focuses on socio-technical controversies (GMOs, bioprospecting, nanotechnologies, etc.), the greening of agriculture (agro-biodiversity conservation policies, agro-ecologies, biodynamics, etc.) and global environmental governance. He coordinated the Ecoverio project, which proposed a collective ethnography of the Rio+20 Earth Summit, and is currently co-coordinating the Climacop project, which is using the same type of set-up for the COP21 in Paris in 2015. These various research projects feed into a more theoretical reflection on the links between knowledge, environment and society, and on the articulation between globalization and the overcoming of modernity.

In particular, he edited the collective work Regards croisés sur Rio+20. La modernisation écologique à l’épreuve, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2015 and published Il était une fois la bio-révolution : nature et savoirs dans la modernité globale, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2010.

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