
Authors Translators

Pierre Gilbert

Pierre Gilbert is a lecturer at the University of Paris 8 and a member of Cresppa-Csu. His work focuses on the transformations of working-class communities and social housing estates, which he studied in his sociology thesis on the social effects of contemporary urban renewal policies. He is currently working on the construction of gender inequalities in couples who are parents of young children, as part of a collective investigation into the role of lifestyles and residential and professional constraints specific to each social class. In particular, he coordinated the dossier “Social classes at home” (Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, n° 215, 2016) and published « Devenir propriétaire en cité HLM. Petites promotions résidentielles et évolution des styles de vie dans un quartier populaire en rénovation » (Politix, n° 101, 2013 p. 79-104) ; « “Ghetto”, “relégation”, “effets de quartier”. Critique d’une représentation des cités » (Métropolitiques, 2011). He is also a member of the editorial staff of the journal Métropolitiques.

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