
Authors Translators

Clémentine Fauconnier

Clémentine Fauconnier holds a doctorate in political science from Sciences po Paris, and specializes in the study of elections and the professionalization of politics in post-Soviet Russia. She published Entre le marteau et l’enclume, la fabrication d’une hegémonie partisane dans la Russie de Poutine at Presses universitaires de Lille, éditions du Septentrion, in 2019.

She has taught at the Collège universitaire français de Moscou (Lomonosov University) and conducted research on Franco-Russian relations in the academic field.

She is currently ATER (temporary teaching and research associate) at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and a researcher at the Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique, where she studies the internationalization of practices in electoral campaigns.

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