
DATAWAR is a research program funded by the French national research agency ANR for a duration of 42 months (2020-2023) under the grant number ANR-19-CE39-0013-03. Dedicated to scientific practices in the field of quantitative conflict studies and their impact on practitioners’ perception of war, the project is conducted by a consortium of three social science research centres: CERI / Sciences Po, LinX / Ecole Polytechnique, CERAPS / Sciences Po Lille.
The members are :
Grey Anderson (Postdoctoral Researcher, École Polytechnique)
Louise Beaumais (PhD Candidate, Sciences Po Paris /CERI)
Thomas Lindemann (Professor of Political Science,Versailles Saint-Quentin / École Polytechnique)
Sami Makki (Assistant Professor of Political Sciences, Sciences Po Lille / CERAPS, University of Lille)
Frédéric Ramel (Full Professor of Political Science, Sciences Po, CERI-CNRS)
Eric Sangar (Assistant Professor of Political Sciences, Sciences Po Lille / CERAPS, University of Lille).

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