
Authors Translators

Leyla Dakhli

Leyla Dakhli is a researcher at the CNRS (Marc Bloch Center). Her research focuses on the history of social movements and intellectual worlds in the contemporary Arab world. She published a work based on her thesis under the title Une génération d’intellectuels arabes, Syrie-Liban 1908-1940 (Karthala, 2009), directed with Stéphanie Latte Abdallah Des engagements féminins au Moyen-Orient (XXe-XXIe siècle), Le Mouvement Social, n° 231, April-June 2010, as well as Proche-Orient : foyers, frontières et fractures, Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire 3/2009 (n° 103), with Vincent Lemire and Daniel Rivet.

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