Salvatore D’Onofrio is a professor at the University of Palermo, lecturer at EHESS and member of the Social Anthropology Laboratory at the Collège de France. A specialist in spiritual kinship, he published with Éditions de la MSH, L’Esprit de la parenté (Preface by F. Héritier, 2004) and edited, by Françoise Héritier, Une pensée en mouvement (Odile Jacob, 2009). At Belles Lettres he published: Le sauvage et son double (2011), Les Fluides d’Aristote (2014), and edited, by F. Héritier: Sida. Un défi anthropologique (2013). At LAS he coordinates the “Cahiers d’anthropologie sociale” and directs the “New Year Archives in Paris” working group.