Clément Bur is a lecturer in ancient history at the INU Champollion (Albi) and a member of the EA PLH-ARTEMIS (Toulouse 2). A junior member of the IUF (2021-2026), he is the author of La citoyenneté dégradée, Une histoire de l’infamie à Rome 312 a.C.-96p.C. (Rome, 2018) and co-edited with Michel Humm, Caton l’Ancien et l’hellénisme Images, traditions, réceptions (Paris, 2021). His research focuses mainly on the political, institutional and legal history of the Roman Republic and the Principate, with particular emphasis on the Roman Senate. He is also interested in the reception of Antiquity as editor of the journal Anabases. Traditions et réceptions de l’Antiquité. He edited the volume L’Antiquité après l’Antiquité: un héritage en partage (Bordeaux, 2024).