
Authors Translators

Daniela Berti

Daniela Berti est anthropologue sociale et chercheuse au Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Paris, et membre du Centre d’études himalayennes (CEH), Paris. Ses principales publications comprennent Of Doubt and Proof. Ritual and Legal Practices of Judgment, Farnham, Ashgate, 2015 (avec A. Good et G. Tarabout), et Regimes of Legalities. Ethnography of Criminal Cases in South Asia, New Delhi, OUP, 2015 (avec D. Bordia) et Filing Religion. State, Hinduism and Court of Law, OUP, New Delhi, OUP, 2016 (avec G. Tarabout et R. Voix), Through the Lens of the Law. Court Cases and Social Issues in India, 2018 (avec G. Tarabout, eds),South Asian Multidisciplinary Journal (SAMAJ), 17. Avec G. Tarabout, elle a coordonné pendant plusieurs années le projet ANR “Justice et gouvernance en Inde”. Elle coordonne (avec S. Revet et V. Manceron) le projet ANR “Ruling on Nature. Les animaux et l’environnement devant la Cour”.

Daniela Berti is a social anthropologist and researcher at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, and a member of the Centre for Himalayan Studies (CEH), Paris. Her main publications include Of Doubt and Proof. Ritual and Legal Practices of Judgment, Farnham, Ashgate, 2015 (with A. Good and G. Tarabout), and Regimes of Legalities. Ethnography of Criminal Cases in South Asia, New Delhi, OUP, 2015 (with D. Bordia) and Filing Religion. State, Hinduism and Court of Law, OUP, New Delhi, OUP, 2016 (with G. Tarabout and R. Voix), Through the Lens of the Law. Court Cases and Social Issues in India, 2018 (with G. Tarabout, eds), South Asian Multidisciplinary Journal (SAMAJ), 17. With G. Tarabout she coordinated for a number of years the ANR project ‘Justice and Governance in India’. She coordinates (with S. Revet and V. Manceron) the ANR project ‘Ruling on Nature. Animals and the Environment before the Court’.


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