Bruno Bernardi is a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and holds an agrégation in philosophy. His main publications concern Rousseau, several of whose works he has edited (notably Le Contrat social, Flammarion, 2001), political thought (La fabrique des concepts, recherches sur l’invention conceptuelle chez Rousseau, Champion, 2006) and, more generally, political philosophy (La démocratie, Flammarion, 1999, Qu’est-ce qu’une décision politique, Vrin, 2003, Le principe d’obligation : Sur une aporie de la modernité politique, Vrin, 2007). His current research focuses on the concept of civil society (subject of a seminar at the Collège International de Philosophie). His work seeks to shed light on contemporary issues through a conceptual-historical approach.
– Politeia->], Bruno Bernardi’s website on political philosophy.