Korine Amacher is a professor of Russian and USSR history at the University of Geneva.
Her work focuses on the opposition to tsarism, to which she has dedicated a book (La Russie, 1598-1917. Révoltes et mouvements révolutionnaires, Infolio, 2011), Russian and Soviet historiography, the political use of the past and the (re)writing of history in contemporary Russia. She is currently leading an international project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation on Divided memories, shared memories. Ukraine / Russia / Poland (20th-21st centuries): a crossed history. She has researched a number of Russian intellectual and political figures of the 19th and 20th centuries (Alexander Herzen, Nikolai Chelgunov, Alexander Kornilov, Lev Kamenev, etc.) and is currently preparing a biography of the Soviet diplomat Vladimir Socolin (1896-1984).