
Authors Translators

Emmanuel Filhol

A teacher and researcher at the Université de Bordeaux 1, Emmanuel Filhol is a member of its Episteme Research Unit (Laboratoire Epistémè), and of the Scientific Committee of the journal Études Tsiganes. His research work is concerned with the history of the Gypsies and of their representations. Among his publications are Histoires tsiganes: Hommage à François de Vaux de Foletier (ed.), Archives départementales de la Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle, 2003; Un camp de concentration français. Les Tsiganes alsaciens-lorrains à Crest, 1915-1919, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 2004; La mémoire et l’oubli : l’internement des Tsiganes en France (1940-1946), L’Harmattan, 2004; La France et les Tsiganes, PEMF, 2006; Les Tsiganes en France: un sort à part (1939-1946), in collaboration with Marie-Christine Hubert, Perrin, 2009.

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