
Authors Translators

Jean-Philippe Dedieu

Jean-Philippe Dedieu is a graduate from the ESSEC business school and holds a PhD in sociology from the EHESS. A member of the EHESS Iris research team, he is also a CIRHUS Fellow at NYU and a former Fulbright Fellow from UC Berkeley. Over the years, he has taught at Boston University, the Ecole Normale Supérieure, the EHESS, the Sorbonne and Science Po’s Paris School of International Affairs.

His research focuses on international migration, transnational électoral processes and ethno-racial discrimination. In addition to numerous articles for Al Jazeera or The New York Times, he has published several papers in African Issues, Critique internationale, Ethnologie française, Droit & Société, Foreign Affairs, Genèses, Politique étrangère, et la Revue française de science politique. His most recent book is La parole immigrée. Les migrants africains dans l’espace public en France, 1960-1995 (Paris: Klincksieck/Les Belles Lettres, 2012). In 2013, he was invited, along with other academics, to tell the history of immigration policies by the Mission parlementaire d’information sur les immigrés âgés, with the support of the French Assemblée nationale.

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Follow him on Twitter @jphdedieu

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